Goals and Dreams

Ever thought about your goals?  What you aspire to do or become?  Ever

dreamed of becoming someone completely different?  Had that dream of

winning a big lottery and what all you would do with your winnings?


If you noticed in the previous questions, I quickly transitioned from goals to

dreams.  Why?  Well, I would ask you “why not?”  Why can’t your dreams

become your goals?


“If you dream it, you can do it.” ~ Walt Disney


The Challenge:  Most love to dream, yet never take the time to document

those dreams and see what it would take to make those dreams a reality.

Most would challenge a dream as if it is some fairytale and not a possibility.

Why would you want to limit yourself and create a mediocre reality when your

dreams are so much more?  Why not take those dreams and break them

down into steps to making them real?

FYI- in doing this you actually are creating goals.  That’s right, with just a

couple steps and a little more thought, you have created goals and the

stepping stones to your dreams.


“Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have

within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the

stars to change the world.” ~ Harriet Tubman


Make sure they are documented in some way to make them real and ask

yourself when you start doing tasks: “Does this get me closer to my goals?”  If

the answer is yes- you are on your way, if the answer is no- why are you

doing the task?  I’m not here to say that every task not directly related to your

dreams is not important and not to do them, I’m simply saying to ask yourself

the questions.  Tie your tasks to your goals, maybe it means altering the way

you are doing something or the amount of effort you put into it, just make sure

it ties into what your goals are.


Hindsight is 20/20 right?  If you looked back on all the things you have done

over the past week, were there things you didn’t need or have to do and that

didn’t add any value to you or those around you?  Nobody said it was easy to

make your dreams come true, however if you put in the correct work and

focus you can accomplish your dreams, you can live your own fairytale so to



I ask you one final question: What are you doing still reading this?  Go create

your stepping stones to your dreams and live life to the fullest.


Don’t dream your life, live your dreams.

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